
Showing posts from August, 2024

Boyan Slat & The Ocean Cleanup -- Riho

  Today, I watched some movies, Boyan Slat and the Ocean Cleanup.  I think he has an ability to take action because he begun to try to solve the ocean pollution when he was only 16 years old. Also, his project  is included  some of creative ideas. For instance, he could achieve experiment and discovered from results that bird misunderstand the food and eat red plastic.  In my opinion, I suppose he is passionate and active person. so, these personality made he fueled. I suppose that his project would be getting better. I not sure that if his project is good or not. They suggested it is be able to clean 90% plastic in the ocean until 2040. However, this way takes a lot of time and money due to ocean is huge and hard environment depend on the weather. I guess  that object which is used as adsorbent something useful to collect plastic.

Boyan Slat & The Ocean Cleanup -- Tsukino

      I was very shoked to see so much trash floating in the sea and washed up, more than I expected because I knew about these ploblems, however I did not reserch clealy what the current situation was. As he said, even if we are well educated or have knowleage, we can not solve problems unless take action.       I guess he has a power to take action, an ability to involve everyone around him, and a great sense of responsibility and as result of this, even he expected setbacks, he continued to take action.       His project will continue to be one of the way to reduce issue such as environmental destruction or human health. This is because he are trying to prevent marine life from getting caught in net and the project has recycling system. I hope that his activities will be known for many people.

Boyan Slat & The Ocean Cleanup -- Cathy

Boyan Slat is a young founder of The Ocean Cleanup - a cleaning rubbish in oceans project. When I first knew about him and his project, I was amazed by how young and inspiring his idea was. I would say that he was well-educated, passionate, and brave since he was a kid. Although there were not many adults who cared about the environment, Boyan came up with a breakthrough idea of cleaning oceans which may sound imposssible. His compassion for the environment, fearlessness of raising his voice, consistency of keeping up with the project are the essentials which I personally think that they have greatly contributed to the development of The Ocean Cleanup.  Even though there are obstacles, I believe that his admirable personality and desire are a key to inspire others, make them stay, and together they determinedly work until the end. In my class, we also got a chance to know how the project currently is, and it was nice to know that they are still working hard, continuously fixing and cha

Boyan Slat & Ocean Cleanup -- Andrew

 I learned about the huge plastic garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean through various media. I also knew about Boyan Slat’s idea and how he has worked hard to solve this problem. He went through many trials and errors and received both advice and criticism. Now, he is working hard to make his dream come true through two different strategies, and he is making meaningful progress. Boyan, at a young age, thought about the environment around him, asked questions, and tried to find solutions. I think this is very impressive, especially since he has stayed true to his original goal even after 10 years. After the failure of 001 in 2018-2019, he faced a lot of criticism. He was surrounded by many rumors, and some even accused him of receiving large donations from plastic manufacturing companies. But he did not give up. He created 002 and 003 to deal with ocean plastic waste and developed the second Interceptor strategy. Now, he is collecting and recycling a lot of plastic waste. What I admire m

Bryan Slat & The Ocean Cleanup -- Yusuke

 I completely agree with his view that we're now in the plastic age, as plastic is used in almost everything in modern life.  I'm confident that his idea is quite innovative because his approach to collecting plastic is very efficient. In addition, I’m pretty sure that his persistence in solving this problem is closely tied to his success. Even if I dove into the water and found some plastics, I wouldn’t try to tackle this problem. Therefore, after watching his video, I realized how strong his belief is. I believe his project will succeed in the long run because he will be able to overcome obstacles, even if he faces hardships.

Boyan Slat & The Ocean Cleanup -- Riko

  When I watched the video, I was shocked because there was an unexpectedly large amount of garbage. The sea and ocean I usually see don’t have so much garbage even it’s not perfectly clean. This is why I admire his innovation which has a huge effect in the environment. I guess he is confident, brave, and responsible. This is because the thing which he is doing is not easy and simple. I believe that it will help a lot to clean up ocean even there are some setbacks. I hope it will be known all over the world and more people follow him and his idea.

Boyan Slat & The Ocean Cleanup -- Gift

     Boyan Slat is a very inspiring person. He has a creative mind and really cares about saving our planet. His project, The Ocean Cleanup, shows how hard he works to make his ideas happen, even when it’s tough. He thinks differently and stays committed to his goal, which has helped him achieve a lot.      One of his best qualities is his determination. Even when his first idea to collect plastic didn’t work, he didn’t give up. He learned from it and kept trying, showing how strong he is.      What’s really interesting is that The Ocean Cleanup not only collects plastic but also sorts and recycles it. For example, from a video I watched today, I saw how they turn the collected plastic into new products, like sunglasses. It’s amazing to see how old plastic can be turned into something useful again.       I think The Ocean Cleanup can be very successful in the future. Slat is determined to keep improving his ideas and fixing problems. Even though it won’t be easy, his hard work and cr

Boyan Slat & The Ocean Clean up -- Yuri

 I was so surprised that he came up with an idea based on his experience of seeing the ocean when he was only 16 years old. It's too early to start thinking about the environment. And then, today, the ocean clean-up project is carried out while increasing the scale. If I were him, I would have ignored it, even if I felt inclined to do so. That is why I respect him. I think his motivation is curiosity and love of the ocean, because he loves diving. We can continue to think about our preferences or the things we are interested in without losing interest. It takes so many years, not in 5 years like he said in the TED talk to clean up the ocean perfectly, so it's important for us to do it little by little. By doing so, the condition will be better and safer than now and we will be able to swim comfortably.

Boyan Slat & The Ocean Cleanup -- Jimmy

We learned about the ocean cleanup project during classes. I was deeply impressed  by Boyan Slat's ability to execute his vision and his influence.  Although he was only 16 years old at that time, he tried to combine his experience diving in Greece with his empathy on ocean issues and conducted the experiments to solve the plastic pollution in the ocean. By the video of his presentation in TED TALK, there were a lot of people starting to notice about the  issue of  plastic pollution  in the ocean. And those people tried to focus on making Slat’s ideas come true by donating, devoting knowledge and skills. Through many times of attempts and adjustments, they finally came up with the effective method to cleanup the plastic pollution in the ocean. Even today, this project is still ongoing. I have great admiration for the people involved in this project. They are not afraid of difficulties. They take it as their own missions and still try hard to improve the method. I really thank for

Boyan Slat & Ocean Cleanup -- Misaki

  Boyan slat’s project could be successful to correct plastic garbage. I admire him because when he came up his idea, he was only 16 years old. For me I just hung out with my friends. I never thought about world issues. His characteristic must be passionate because he has still strongly remembered the fact that there were more numerous of plastic than fish in the ocean in Greece. He saw and faced directly this serious problem. Although, people usually including me know how challenging issues such as climate change and air pollution we have, we think we cannot do anything to solve these problems with our hands. Of course, we try to reduce to use plastic product like plastic bags, but we don’t do dynamically activities. However, he asked question himself why don’t we just clean it up? From this idea, I think he also realist. I believe his project succeeded even though initial idea didn’t succeed because from the video we watched today, actually a ton of plastic was corrected at once.

Boyan Slat & The Ocean Cleanup -- Seiya

  That was the first time for me to know about the person Boyan Salt and the ocean cleanup. After I watched a video, I think cleaning up the ocean is important thing, but I also look up to him. Even though he wanted to make it clean, it was not easy to take actions, but he did it. I'm sure he loves the ocean, given he loves diving since he was young, and I think it is driving and motivated him to do that.   I don't know how much cost they have to need to take, but I'm certain that costs a lot. Even if Boyans' project is the best way to clean it, if they cannot keep up with the project money-wise, it would be an offset. This is what I wondered about it.

Boyan Slat & The Ocean Cleanup -- Koko

 This week, we have studied and considered about cleanup the ocean. I didn't know that the technology for solving serious problem about climate change developed more than I imagined.   When I watched about the system to collect garbage which flow on the surface, I was surprised that the net could get a lot of waste of plastics and I realized again people include me are littering in the ocean or beach.   I think it is good way to collect garbage with the huge net. However, I thought it is hard for workers on the ship. But, on the other hand of my opinion, some workers seemed enjoying this working when I watched other video. I understood that each workers rewarding as it led to environmental improvements.   I thought we shouldn't rely on the system or workers like this. We have to happen action to improve problem of ocean as soon as possible.

Boyan Slat & The Ocean Cleanup -- Momoka

I couldn't believe that he established the NPO Ocean Cleanup when Bryan Slat was just 16 years old. If I saw someone throwing away rubbish into the sea, I wouldn’t think anything of it. I thought it was amazing that he saw it and decided to carry out the Ocean Cleanup project. Also, I was surprised that scientists said it would take 79000 years to collect all the rubbish in the ocean, but Slat said it could be done in five years. In addition, he said that ‘If you look at history, everything that we now take for granted used to be impossible at some point in time.’ I was impressed by it. I think his heart that doesn’t give up, his inquisitive and bravery mind have fueled his achievements.

Boyan Slat & The Ocean Cleanup

  Write a post about Boyan Slat & the Ocean Cleanup. What do you think of Slat and his project? What is it about Slat that has contributed to his achievements to date? Which of his personal characteristics do you think have fueled them?  He has, though, experienced setbacks, with his initial idea of an autonomous plastic trash collecting system not working. How successful do you think the Ocean Cleanup will be in the long run and why?

An experience of culture shock Riko

                  One of the biggest culture shocks I have experienced in New Zealand is the way dishes are washed. These days, although most houses in New Zealand have dishwashers, people do not often use them but occasionally wash dishes with dishwashing liquid and dry them by hand. After washing them, they towel the dishes to remove a bubble. In contrast, in my country, when people wash dishes by hand, they usually rinse a bubble off with water completely.                 Before I came to New Zealand, I had heard about the kiwi style of dishwashing. In spite of the fact that I was not deeply shocked, at first, I hesitated to adapt myself to the kiwi styles even though I knew about it because I thought it was not perfectly clean. However, I knew the saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, and as a result, I have followed the washing style. Moreover, I have realised that it is good for the environment to save water by using less water. Therefore, I do not tend to hesitate about

An Experience of Culture Shock - Mion

This essay is going to talk about my personal experiences of culture shock in New Zealand. First of all, I definitely think what shocked me the most was the food, especially its made by host mother and host father. For the first two weeks when I came here, I thought that the food was really different to that I was used to in Japan and I didn't want to eat foods that was honestly made by them. Of course I understood that it's not the same and similar culture of food, but it made me feel terrible and I also got a fever unfortunately. The food they make was healthy and tasty like homemade pizza, fish and chips or mince pie. But at first they didn't suit my body because it was so different from Japanese food. So I talked to them and asked them to make Japanese food as much as possible to help me get over my culture shock. Then they started making Japanese food for me once or twice a week. My favourites are Japanese pancakes, fried rice and sushi. Thanks to their behaviour, I co

An Experience of Culture Shock -- Seiya

       I’ve felt some culture shocks in New Zealand. I was born and raised in Japan, so I knew there were some differences between my country and others, so I will introduce some of them in this essay. The culture shock that I’ve felt here is the definition of words native people use in some ways. For instance, the word “Deadline”. There is the word for deadline in Japanese, but even if I cross the deadline, I’m not actually dead out of Japan or in western culture. That is sort of a milestone or something like that in New Zealand, so I’ve crossed the deadline several times, but I’ve never been the butt of criticism. However, when I was a university student in Japan, there was a certain deadline, and a lot of uncertainty came up from nowhere, but if I couldn’t make it by the deadline, teachers got mad at me. Additionally, the definition of the word “Definitely” is also different from my country. If you say “Okay, I can definitely do that”, then how definite it is be a question. If a J

An Experience of Culture Shock - Momoka

I came to New Zealand and experienced several culture shocks. The most shocking of these was related to greetings. The first greeting custom that surprised me was that most people say ‘Thank you’ when they get off a bus. Another surprising thing was greeting strangers on the street. When I was going back home, someone said ‘Hello’ to me. At that time, I was discombobulated and could not return the greeting. Also, I noticed that many people greet each other in school.  To be honest, when I was in Japan, I was not used to greeting people. I had not seen many Japanese people say ‘Thank you’ when getting off a bus, I was not suddenly greeted by strangers on the street, and I just bowed to my teachers when I met them at my university. As a result of this, I felt tense about greeting people at first in New Zealand. I only greeted some people when they greeted me first. However, I gradually became accustomed to greeting others and started trying to be the first to say ‘Hello’ instead of wa

An Experience of Culture Shock - Misaki

  When people go abroad, they encounter differences compared to their own countries. To be honest, since I came to Dunedin, I haven’t faced any serious problems related to physical health, but I had a lot of small issues with food and communication. I love fast food such as pizza, chicken, and hotdogs and used to eat them twice a month in Japan. However, when I came here, my eating habits changed. At first, I was happy to have pizza, fish and chips, and hamburgers but I’m eating them at restaurants with my friends or at my homestay every week and as a result of this, I’m fed up with eating same things. I gave up those habits and started to exercise more. Another example is eating just noodles without soup. When I first saw a meal of plain boiled noodles prepared by my host mother, I had a hard time accepting it as a usual meal. Even now, I have not come to terms with eating this meal. I definitely add tomato sauce to it. Regarding communication, I feel more surprised than uncomfort

An Experience of Culture shock -- Riho

  It passed half a year since I started to stay here, and I found several different things compared to Japan, so, I am going to explain about the culture shock which I feel.  Particularly, I surprised at a different food culture. In Japan, I always used to eat rice, miso soup, and vegetables everyday, and we used different dishware for each dish. So, we need to wash many dishes. Also, Japanese often eat grilled fish and seaweed. On the other hand, in New Zealand, they always have meat, potatoes, and wheat. So, I often had breads, and noodles in a day. Then, they use only one plate to eat several dishes. Moreover, almost  kiwi families use plate mats under the dishes.  When a same food was served 3 days in a row made me depressed.  So, I tried to like wheat, but I could not like it .However, I could solve the problem. How I solved it is the giving myself a sweet such as chocolate as a reward once a month. This way allowed me to take charge of my own mood. I       used to prepare rewards

An Experience of Culture Shock - Jimmy

When you leave your home country to come to a new one, you may notice some differences between your hometown and the foreign city. Some of these differences can be interesting, while others will be weird and unfamiliar. I think the weird feelings are relevant to culture shock. It is important that we should think twice and respect the differences when we encounter different cultural values. I have been to some western countries like the UK, Canada, and New Zealand. I have found that rain is often seen as a natural phenomenon to be embraced rather than avoided in these western countries. And I have found that even when it is drizzling or raining outside, local people prefer to get completely wet rather than use an umbrella. However, when it rains cats and dogs, they still need some rain gear and they are used to wearing coats and boots. In contrast, people in Taiwan or most Eastern countries usually carry umbrellas with us. We use umbrellas not only for rain but also to shield ourselv

An Experience of Culture Shock - Cathy

In October 2023, I began my studies abroad in New Zealand, a completely new country which I had never visited before. Initially, I encountered many obstacles such as navigating to school, using public transportation, dealing with various types of documentation, opening a bank account, finding directions, and adapting to different weather conditions. Most significantly, I had to face every problem by myself. Although there was a lot of difficulties, I managed to cope with the situation well. However, one problem which I have been struggling with until now is getting used to cold weather. Personally, I think cold weather either partly or mostly contributes to my daily struggles. In Vietnam, my home country, the weather is hot throughout the year, so I did not have to care much about what to consider before going out. However, it is the opposite when I am in New Zealand. The overall temperature is always lower than in Vietnam, and the weather here is hard to expect, it can be rainy, windy

An Experience of Culture Shock - Yusuke

I’d like to talk about my experiences with culture shock. Since I came to New Zealand, I experienced a variety of cultural differences between Japan and New Zealand in terms of the behavior, the clothing and the food. Out of these differences, one of the most astonishing facts for me is that when someone sneezes, others around him say “bless you”. I was really surprised to know that because there is no culture like it in Japan. It may seem like a trifle, but I had no idea how to answer, so I was really confused. To overcome this trouble, I observed how my host parents answered. Once I listened to them, they said “Thank you” in response to this statement, so the problem was solved. The other astonishing fact is that the bus doesn’t necessarily come on time. I learned that punctuality is quite different depending on the country. Because of this, I thought that it’s crucial to take this into account in case it doesn’t come on time. The only solution to this problem is to act beforehand as

An Experience of Culture Shock - Andrew

  An Experience of Culture Shock   When I first arrived in Dunedin, I felt a big culture shock because of the slow administrative procedures. In South Korea, everything happens quickly and efficiently. However, in Dunedin, it was hard to set up basic utilities like the internet, gas, and electricity. The process took much longer than I expected, and it was frustrating. After a year, I moved to a new house and had to get my bond refund. Even though I sent emails and made phone calls, it took a month to get my money back. This slow pace surprised me, but when I talked to people, they said it was normal. This was very different from Korea, where things are handled quickly. Adjusting to this slower pace of life was difficult. It taught me a lot about patience and adapting to new environments. While it was frustrating at times, it was also a valuable learning experience. I realized that different cultures have their own ways of doing things. It is important to learn from each other&

An Experience of Culuture Shock - Tsukino

     It is been about 5 months since I came to study abroad in New Zealand. This is first experience of abroad in my life, and as a result of this I could experience a lot of culture shock after I came here. I totally worried about culture shock before I started live in New Zealand. However, as a matter of fact, It was not that bad almost culture shock is nicer than I expected.      The culuture shock which I would like to describe is about people who live in New Zealand are extremely friendly and I think people think of communication is more important, to small talk, compared with Japan. For example, people who I do not know tolde me like "This one tastes so nice." "That is not good." when I went shopping, and also people who ride on the bus talk a lot and I can hear music in the bus as well. In addition, when I was on my way home by bus, that time old man talked to me until the bus arrived near his house. It was a great experience for me and I was really happy. Mo

An Experience of Culture Shock - Gift

     Moving to a new country can be exciting and difficult, especially when adjusting to a new culture. My move from Thailand to New Zealand brought several surprises, or "culture shocks."      The biggest shock was that people in New Zealand drink tap water directly from the sink. In Thailand, we do not drink tap water because it can make us sick; we buy bottled water instead. To make sure it was safe, I asked my host family and looked up information online. Within a week, I felt more comfortable to drink tap water.      Another surprise was how people clean dishes. In Thailand, we use sponges and always rinse off the dishwashing liquid. Here, people wash dishes with scrub brushes, dry them with towels, and do not rinse off the soap. I asked my host family, and they said, “It is safe because it is natural, and I’m 46 years old right now, but I’m still alright.” This made me stun for a moment. It took me 1-2 weeks to get used to this, even though I sometimes still smell t

An Experience of Culture Shock -- Yuri

      I have spent about six months in New Zealand already. During my stay, I have found a lot of differences between New Zealand and Japan and I feel culture shock. I will write about my biggest culture shock in this essay.    The biggest culture shock I have experienced was the friendliness and kindness of New Zealanders. I take the bus to school every day and when people get off the bus they always say 'thank you' or 'thank you driver' loudly. Not a day goes by that I don't encounter this situation. But I have never seen this behaviour in Japan. The first time I saw it, I was really surprised and could not say "thank you" out loud, but my host mother told me it is rude to get off the bus without thanking them. Since then, I could say "thank you". Another example of the friendliness and kindness of New Zealanders was when I was travelling around Auckland with my friends from the same Japanese university as me, and we were wandering around l

An Experience of Culture Shock -- Anny

I ’ m from China and I came to the University of Otago as a visiting scholar in April this year. It is my first time in New Zealand. During the last three months , I have experienced a lot of culture shocks, such as wearing short shorts or short-sleeved shirts even in winter, very cheap milk, rare and expensive vegetables, high electricity bills, extremely strict rubbish sorting, widely used e-books, and so on. What shocked me the most was a bus ride experience when I just arrived in Dunedin---the bus won't stop If you don't wave or press the ‘ stop ’   button.   It goes without saying that the bus stops at every stop in China. Passengers who want to take the bus   don ’ t need to wave, and it isn ’ t required to press any button when passengers intend to get off the bus. In addition, the bus will announce the name of each stop in advance. So it perplexed me very much when the bus sped through the bus stop while I had been waiting for it for nearly half an hour in the George St

An Experience of Culture Shock -- Toko

 I have been spending in New Zealand for about 4 months, and the most shocking thing was most New Zealanders often greet in a bus. When they get on a bus, they often greet the bus driver. For example, “good morning” “hello”. And when they get off a bus, they often say “thank you” or sometimes “have a good day” or “have a good night”. I really like this culture in which greet each other even to strangers. However, we don’t have this kind of culture in Japan, so it was tough for me to adopt to this culture. At the begging of this study abroad, I often forgot to say “thank you”, and to make matters worse, even if I was greeted by a bus driver when I got on a bus, I used to respond in very foolish way. For example, when I was asked “How are you?” by a bus driver, I responded “Thank you”. It doesn’t a conversation anymore! Because even if I was asked “How are you?” I responded “Thank you”.                  I wanted to have a regular conversation with a bus driver, so to achieve it, I to

An Experience of Culture Shock -- Koko

 I'm going to explain about an experience of Culture Shock. First of all, There are some things which I felt shock. Things which I was surprised the most is about had todo with food.   The style of basic Japanese food is one plate is not complete. In detail, there is main dish, side dishes and so on, and it is relatively healthy because of the distribution of calories. On the other hand, the style of basic New Zealand food is western food. And, I think the most common types of western food are like junk food, for instance, pizza, meat, and potato dishes. In my experience, when I firstly ate dishes in New Zealand which is kind of potato dish, I thought that it was delicious. But my stomach gradually began to feel heavy after such a diet for a month. I assume this is because I am not yet used to eat western food.   In addition, I was surprised that my host mother cooked me a dish that used peanut butter. Basically, Japanese people don't use something sweet like peanut butter for

An Experience of Culture shock -- Hana

    I’ve been overseas many times so I expected that I'm going to  feel some culture  shock during study abroad before I leave Japan. Just as I thought I feel culture  shock a lot. For example, with foods, also public transport, or I couldn’t get things  which I could buy  easily in Japan. Especially I was shocked was ‘’ How they use  time’’.   I guess many people know that Japanese are strict with time. I feel it when I’m in Japan too. In my junior high school, the person who couldn’t sit down by the time  the  bell rings had a penalty to wipe all of the classmates desk after school. As you  can  see  from this example, Japanese children are educated strictly not to be late for  anything.  However, I knew that Japan is too strict with time, so I was thinking if people had 2  or  3 minutes late, I can forgive even if they didn't apologize. But, when I was  waiting  bus on the first day, the bus was over 10 minutes late and no apology. In Japan,  public transport must always b

The Ideal School: My Vision - Cathy

In terms of my personal ideal school, I would like to design an environment where promotes lifelong learning and students’ individual abilities.  Firstly, learning skills and soft skills which are usually underrated, are actually the crucial skills in enhancing students’ performance. For example, the skills critical thinking, problem solving, time management, technological literacy, self-directed learning, communication, collaboration, and networking are fundamental not only in learning but also in a working environment and in real life.  Secondly, in this ideal school, students do not have to study every subject but only the compulsory which are Mathematics, Literature, and English for communication. They can also choose more optional subjects. I believe that Math would help the students with logical thinking, improve problem-solving skills, and sharpen their memory; Literature would encourage the pupils in critical thinking, empathy and understanding, creativity and imagination; Engl

The Ideal School : My Vision -- Tsukino

      Recently, we are having a variety of ways to educate, and it can be said that a modern school is changing depend on an era. For example, in the past teachers and students can not usually use devices such as computers. On the other hand nowadays, due to the developing the AI technology and internet technologies, teachers and students are often using these in the class. In addition, there is an increasing number of classes in which students can learn freely not only in the classroom but also outside, as we have already learned in our class.       I think it is important for students to create the interesting class, and to build better personal relationships in limited time of school life. To achieve this goal, I have 3 opinions. First, I believe that it is necessary for teachers to teach their own knowledge to students and enjoy class themselves. This is due to the fact that teachers have to teach classes that could be impression students. Second, a teacher must teach children who

The Ideal School : My Vision -- Andrew

 I often think about the fundamental nature of things before considering them. Before thinking about the ideal school, I first thought about what a school is. What is the definition of a school? What is the role of a school? What can we gain from school? I want to answer these questions first, and then think about the ideal school. What is a school? A school is a place that provides knowledge and skills and a place for social interaction and personal growth. It is where students learn academic knowledge, develop social skills through various experiences, and discover and develop their potential. Both wisdom and knowledge are necessary for life. What is the role of a school? A school is not just a place for education; it helps students grow in many aspects of life. This includes academic achievement, emotional stability, social skills, and ethical values. Schools prepare students for future challenges and help them become responsible and well-rounded members of society. What can we gai

The Ideal School: My Vision -- Momoka

Not many outdoor education activities take place in Japan. Additionally, students only attend classes assigned by their teachers. So, I didn’t enjoy school very much when I was a high school student. Therefore, I would like to consider how students can enjoy school.          First of all, I think students need to take outside education activities such as appreciating art, seeing an orchestra concert, and watching sports. It promotes their personal growth and fosters social development to them. Through various recreational activities that involve peer interaction, children learn to trust, respect, and collaborate with each other. In addition, occasional outdoor education is better for concentration and study efficiency than studying in a classroom all the time. However, some people would say that outdoor education requires a lot of time and presents challenges regarding activities during rainy or windy days. I have solutions to these problems. There are some free exhibitions to visit. A

The Ideal School: My Vision -- Yusuke

Speaking of my ideal school, I would like to state that students in university should be able to change their major even after they enter university. The system of university is quite different depending on the country, but it’s difficult to change our faculty after entering university in Japan because when we want to change our major, we usually need to take the entrance examinations again. It’s troublesome for most of the students, so they aren’t likely to change their faculty even if they find it boring after entering. I’ll give some reasons to support my idea.   First, I feel that it’s challenging to find a major which every student has an interest in because students have to prepare for the entrance examination as well as consider their interests. Consequently, they face the trouble that they don’t have enough time to find their interests before entering university.   Second, it’s not sensible to decide on a major without trying classes. This was true of my experience. Onc

The Ideal School : My Vision -- Riho

  Recently, there is a several studies which is about education. Also, I learn a several types of education in the world. I am going to introduce the education  that I particularly thought good.   In relation to how to learn several subjects, the best way is to make a output place. For instance, we have not only class teaching by teacher, but also students explain what they learn themselves. This way is effective to make what they learn in class established and they can notice what they do not understand.  In terms of content of the lesson, they should learn about IT, information technology, as well as English, math, society and so on. Nowadays, the internet and social media is extremely spreading. If student do not have a clear knowledges, they could suffer from trouble on Social Networking Service. In order to prevent students from these problems, teachers  should teach IT as one of the subjects.   Finally, I recommend students go out for school in order to study more effectively. Fo