An Experience of Culture shock -- Riho

  It passed half a year since I started to stay here, and I found several different things compared to Japan, so, I am going to explain about the culture shock which I feel.

 Particularly, I surprised at a different food culture. In Japan, I always used to eat rice, miso soup, and vegetables everyday, and we used different dishware for each dish. So, we need to wash many dishes. Also, Japanese often eat grilled fish and seaweed. On the other hand, in New Zealand, they always have meat, potatoes, and wheat. So, I often had breads, and noodles in a day. Then, they use only one plate to eat several dishes. Moreover, almost  kiwi families use plate mats under the dishes.  When a same food was served 3 days in a row made me depressed.

 So, I tried to like wheat, but I could not like it .However, I could solve the problem. How I solved it is the giving myself a sweet such as chocolate as a reward once a month. This way allowed me to take charge of my own mood. I       used to prepare rewards myself during test week at school. owe to the rewards, I could study harder and harder.

 In summary, the most sensible culture shock was a food. I used to eat rice, fish, and vegetables. Additionally, there is a difference of what  they  always have a lunch or something between Kiwi food and Japanese food. Then, I solved that problem by rewards myself for recovery.


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