Boyan Slat & The Ocean Cleanup -- Gift

    Boyan Slat is a very inspiring person. He has a creative mind and really cares about saving our planet. His project, The Ocean Cleanup, shows how hard he works to make his ideas happen, even when it’s tough. He thinks differently and stays committed to his goal, which has helped him achieve a lot.

    One of his best qualities is his determination. Even when his first idea to collect plastic didn’t work, he didn’t give up. He learned from it and kept trying, showing how strong he is.

    What’s really interesting is that The Ocean Cleanup not only collects plastic but also sorts and recycles it. For example, from a video I watched today, I saw how they turn the collected plastic into new products, like sunglasses. It’s amazing to see how old plastic can be turned into something useful again. 

    I think The Ocean Cleanup can be very successful in the future. Slat is determined to keep improving his ideas and fixing problems. Even though it won’t be easy, his hard work and creative thinking will help the project make a big difference in cleaning our oceans.



  1. It is really cool of him that he tries everything to make his ideas come true, isn't it? I also admired him for that. Additionally, the idea of recycling those plastics is intriguing, imagine the plastic and the waste which people normally don't care much can be recreate into newly usable stuff XD

  2. Can we live without plastics? Emm....Give me solution, plz.


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