
Showing posts from September, 2024

In 2044 - Cathy

In the last twenty years, the world has undergone significant development of technology which no one could hardly imagine before. Therefore, I personally think that the development would continue growing strongly and rapidly, and the humankind would find their life way more convenient. For example, there could be more use of cars which are able to drive themselves, glasses which give access to imaginative screens,... However, although the changes are meant to be for positive effects, there might be some downsides, mostly for humans. Due to the speedy advancement, humans might find it hard to adapt to the new life, there also might be more job cuts. Hence, I would recommend that we should all be prepared for what possibly happen so as to we can live a comfortable life with the development of technology. 

In 2044 - Gift

In 2044, the world might be like Blade Runner , with tall buildings and flying cars. People could make robots called replicants to work for them. But this raises questions about what it means to be human. Even with all this technology, many might still be unhappy, living in crowded, dirty cities. The gap between the rich and poor could be bigger, with rich people living well and poor people struggling. Just like in Blade Runner, depending too much on machines might make us forget who we really are. While tech can make some things easier, it might also bring more stress and loneliness, making our lives worse in many ways.

In 2044 _ Yuri

 In 2044, it seems too much in the future for me and I cannot imagine, but my age ,19, which is about twice as old as I am today. I think the next 20 years will come soon. Compared to when I was born and today, that’s quite different aspects of AI, internet, biotechnology, space development and so on. I expected deferent ways of working people. Some people or articles said many jobs replace AI or machines. I totally agree with that. In Japan, many convenience stores have automatic accounting machines. It can be considered useful at night. This was learned in class last week, but it is thought that a lot of simple jobs will be taken by machines.

In 2044 - Mion

In the future the next developments in the digital revolution and in automation will perfectly improve compared to today. In my experience I have been having a lot of opportunity to board an airplane since I was young. Before I was roughly 10 years old, I went to the check-in counter and left my luggage with the airport staff and they took care of the formalities. But after that airport have automated baggage check-in devices. So passengers have to check-in by themselves. In I was 10 years old, Tokyo airport (Haneda) has already set machines. From this experience I expect  the next developments of them will not stop. And I think our lives will be better!

In 2044-Yusuke

 I have no idea how our lives will change in 20 years. It’s almost impossible to predict the future in detail because no one can do so precisely.  As we know, technology has advanced dramatically in recent years. How could we have expected everyone to be using smartphones 20 years ago ?   Anyway, if I had to guess, I’m pretty sure that in 20 years, things will happen that we can’t expect now.

In 2044 - Riho

  Currently, there are  useful several devices around us. As a next step, I   Currently, there are useful several devices around us. As a next step, I predict that IoT, internet of things is getting spread commonly. This is one of the technology which communicate with people and objects. Especially, our life style would be changed more convenient by IoT. For instance, you can save time as we are able to take contact with home appliances and these things operate. Therefore, I believe that our life will be better in 2044.

In 2044 Misaki

  Who knows the future. Even now, who predicts almost all people have own smartphones and they can’t live without smartphones!! I can’t expect what happen in the future but when I saw the picture which the android drives the car, (E-book p148) it reminded me one videogame.  A few years ago, my brother used to play this game it is called “Detroit Become Human”. It was released in 2018, and the setting of this work is Detroit, about 20 years from the present. The result of the rapid development of artificial intelligence, it is a society where androids who are as intelligent as humans and are almost same appearance are integrated. Players will experience a variety of episodes through the perspective of three androids with different positions and abilities and choose their statements and actions based on their own "will". The most interesting thing in this game is these 3main characters have emotions and they act followed these feelings. I think if the world transforms like this

In 2044 - Andrew

  In 1998, I used my first mobile phone. The phone wasn’t very big, but it didn’t have many features other than calling and texting. Now, more than 20 years later, I use my mobile phone for almost everything in my daily life. Technology has advanced incredibly, and it will probably advance even more in the next 20 years.  However, I don’t always welcome this change. I prefer paper books to e-books, hand-written letters to e-mails, and shopping at the market rather than e-shopping. Lately, I’ve felt that because of the rapid growth of technology, people are paying less attention to the humanities.  Humanities are studies about humans.  They focus on human thoughts, behavior, and looking ba ck on history to prepare for the future. Technology must be centered around humans. If technology grows without respect for people, it loses its true purpose. If this happens, I would rather live an analog life, reading paper books, writing letters, and going to the market to shop.

In 2044 -Tsukino-

What will the world be like in 20 years? I turned 20 this year and have only been alive for 20 years. However, when I compare my childhood to now, Internet technology and people's lives have changed dramatically. So in 2044, we may be able to develop a candy which will give you the nutritional value of 3 meal and make you feel full, just by eating one candy. Or maybe we can live in the sea. I do not know what the world will be like in the future, and I am sure things will change, but I want it to be a peaceful and kind world for all.

In 2044 - Koko

 In my personal opinion, technology will be developing more after 20 years. For instance, a lot of people around the world could be enjoyed playing and living few times in virtual world. However, its technology have some disadvantages that bad affect the real world. 

In 2044 -- Jimmy

This topic reminds me about a movie shown in 2004, which is I, Robot . The movie talking about the future of AI, automation, and humans’ relationship with robots. Maybe one day robots will have taken over and they will exterminate humans. I recommend everyone to watch this movie. It’s quite interesting. Below are three rules that robots should follow in the movie : First, a robot may not injure a human being or, through interaction, allow a human being to come to harm. Second, a robot must obey orders given it by human beings expect where such orders would conflict with first law. Third, a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law. We could think about whether there are any flaws in those rules. In the future, I believe machines will combine with AI and the revolution will help humans feel free to relax or pursue jobs they enjoy. Besides, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will influence real li

In 2044

 In 20 years' time from now, I can't imagine what kind of world is waiting for us, but I think it will not change that much. I think 20 years of time is not enough to change our life dramatically, but I want transportations to be improved. For example, the time that I need to take to get a destination will be much shorter, so that way I can go somewhere easily.

In 2044--Riko

In some movies, they create a vision of the very automated future. For example, in a 1989 American film (Back to the Future Part 2), the world in 2015 has flying cars which didn't appear in real life. Like this, I don't think the world will be taken over by robots or somethings by 2044. These days people tend to rely on the digital revolution more. This is helpful but sometimes works bad. This is why it's too difficult to say better or worse.

In 2044

What do expect the world will be like in 2043? What do you expect the next developments in the digital revolution and in automation will be? And do you think our lives will be better or worse because of these developments? Title your post "In 2044 -- Your Name" and accompany it with a relevant image.

Pandemics of the past Misaki

  What I was surprised thing is death toll of the Spanish full was much more than toll of WW1 war. When I was a high school student, I learned this war from world history. At that time, I thought people were killed by invention of new weapon such as poisonous gas and machine gun. I didn’t learn the fact that at least 50 million people died because of the flu epidemic. I thought black death is the most fearful plague because from my experience, we lived under covid-19. Nowadays, medical treatment has been developed and everyone know the factor. However, in 14C, the plague was mysterious, and nobody knew why people died. People had to fight the terrible plague. In the future, it could outbreak some plagues because in the past, we experienced living with plague at regular intervals. Honestly, I think COVID-19 is not only negative effect. Thanks to it, I'm sure how important communicating with other people is. Even though  my high school life ruined, I thought I put my best step forwar

Pandemics of the Past - Momoka

I was surprised that at least 50 million people were killed by the Spanish flu and  the Black Death wipe out half of Europe's population. To be honest, I didn't think these were such a serious illness. In terms of cholera, John Snow started looking at the patterns of how cholera was spreading and he noticed that the areas which had high incidence of cholera, all had a similar drinking source, a water pump. I heard it and thought it is essential to investigate the root causes of disease, find out patterns of disease and eradicate it completely. Covid-19 caused damage to a lot of people, but there were some positive effects as well. One of them is the spread of remote working. It also opened up opportunities for people to work from different locations, even from different countries.

Pandemics of the Past -- Andrew

  Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Avian Influenza Influenza A(H1N1) Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Covid 19 Since becoming a doctor, I have dealt with many outbreaks of infectious diseases. As a surgeon, my main job was performing surgeries, but I have spent more than half of the past 20 years working on the front lines of treating infectious diseases. Many of the patients I treated in the ICU have passed away. Infectious diseases are very scary. Even if I am careful, I know I can’t be completely sure I won’t get sick. I was afraid while treating patients with infectious diseases because I am just an ordinary person like everyone else. Modern medicine has been developing very quickly since it first appeared. But no one knows what kind of diseases might come in the future. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we gave people vaccines that hadn’t been fully proven to be safe, and now many people are suffering from vaccine side effects. Modern medicine is not

Pandemics of the Past - Cathy

This week (2-6/9), our class topic is Medicine, we have a chance to have a deeper look at some past pandemic events which are the bubonic plague, the cholera epidemic, and the Spanish flu epidemic. I learned about the cholera bacteria a few months ago, so I was quite familiar with this pathogen, such as what type of bacteria it is, how it infects humans, how to prevent and treat,... the most impressive thing for me was human could examine the disease through its patterns, and until now, I still find it interesting that epidemiology has beneficially developed and helped us a lot in prevent diseases. About the bubonic plague, I did not know that there were 3 major plague pandemics, I only knew the most infamous one which was the Black Death. Then about the Spanish flu, I was stunned by how tough it was for patients to suffocate by the disease. I believed that all of these pandemics were equally hard for humans, because back then, medical technology and knowledge were not advanced enough

Pandemics of the Past -- A Reflection -- Gift

When learning about pandemics, one that stood out to me was the Spanish flu. What surprised me the most about it was how many people died due to the lack of proper communication and tools at the time. For example, the Spanish flu spread so fast because news was hidden from the public. People didn’t know how dangerous it was, which allowed the virus to infect more and more people. It’s really sad to think about how many lives were lost because the truth was kept from them. Another shocking thing was the symptoms. The description I read said that people would develop dark spots on their skin before their body turned blue, and they couldn’t breathe, or they would bleed from their nose and mouth. Just thinking about the pain people must have gone through is horrifying. Imagine suffering from such symptoms before dying. Plus, they didn’t even have the right tools to detect the virus at that time. Microscope technology wasn’t advanced enough yet, and it took 15 years to finally see the virus

Pandemics of the Past - Riho

  I learned about bubonic plague, the Spanish flu epidemic and The cholera epidemic form 3 movies. Though these movies, I could get knowledges that the choler discovered in the Ganges in India for the first time and caused by the bacteria vibrio cholera.  What surprised me most was only 2-3 days, these epidemic suddenly infected over the country. Also, I felt the most terrifying to face is that, first we must dehydrate and then  all of the organs shut down. It is naturally hard to do that. Because, If we try to kill cholera, we have to dehydrate our body ourselves. I used to drink water when I feel dehydration.   I learned from these epidemic that it is important to wash hands and keep clean. Also, we need to use ethanol for disinfection to prevent  the virus  before they come into our body.   After Covid-19, I believe that our lifestyle was definitely changing. For instance, we could not to attend class if we got a Covid-19 during the pandemic. Therefore, we were using remote applicat

Pandemics of the Past _ Yuri

  I was not familiar with bubonic plague, cholera epidemic and Spanish flu or rather, never heard of these before. I was really surprised the speed and the number of dead when I knew the detailed number. Each pandemics made me horrible. Through the history of diseases, medical technology has been improving so much. I think there were a lot of mistakes in the process of producing vaccine. However, I’m sure it was not “just” mistakes because there is knowledge gained at that time, which is useful in other ways. I felt it this week. Something familiar and new in our memories must be COVID-19. For me, many events were canceled, downed the scale or limited such as school trip, school festival and daily life in the high school, but it was not only me. Lastly, for the future, early detection, how deal with it and international cooperate are important. To find out and responding quickly might make a difference and speed up the convergence.

Pandemics of the Past -- A Reflection -- Jimmy

    This week we learned about pandemics, such as bubonic plague, cholera and influenza. I was really surprised at the mortality and the spread speed of bubonic plague. There were three plague pandemics in history. Each time wiped out a lot of population and broke down society. However, people usually could overcome the diseases by some improvements and advancements. I thought the reasons why these pandemics outbreaks were that usually caused by poor sanitation and hygiene. For example, cholera outbreaks transmitted through contaminated drinking water at that time. If we improved sanitation and hygiene, cholera could be controlled. And it could also prevent by oral vaccines. Each of these pandemics had its own horrors. But it can lead to significant social changes, such as improved health regulations and better hygiene practices. Just like COVID-19, we tried hard to follow the virus and invented the vaccines. While it has changed our daily lives, it has also allowed us to make greater

Pandemics of the past Yusuke

 Reflecting on the lectures about pandemics, I have learned many things that I will be able to utilize in the future. I’m really surprised to learn that the death toll from the Spanish flu is much larger than that of World War I. Furthermore, I feel very scared if a contagious virus like that spread in the future. Actually, today I talked with Andrew about the deference between viruses and bacteria, and I appreciated him because his explanation was clear and easy to understand. According to him, there are a variety of viruses in glaciers that humans haven’t discovered yet, and nowadays, due to global warming, the glaciers are gradually melting. Therefore, it's possible that new diseases we've never experienced before could emerge in the future. However, I'm not too concerned about this issue because Andrew is definitely on our side, and I'm confident that he'll protect us from these infectious diseases, which reassures me.

Pandemics of the Past Seiya

 I'm sure that the big pandemic we familiar with is Cobid-19, and it is literally life changer for me. When I was a high school student, I had to choose my career for my future. I was going to take the same path as my father, which is being a chef. However, the virus came to Japan and spread out in a flush. It had a adverse impact on every jobs, especially on foods or restaurants. My father was one of the victims, so he didn't recommend me to be a chef because no one can know when it is going to happen next time. Therfore, I ended up choosing going study abroad. I like how life is always changing and unexpectable. It might be just me, but I want to thank for the virus :)

Pandemics of the past - Koko

  When I listened to 3 videos, every videos gave me shock and made me surprised.  The most dreadful happening I think is the pandemic of the plague 101. I understood fear about an infectious disease because modern people include me explained pandemic like COVID-19. I thought that it is hard to provide plague transmitted from rats to humans by insects. And also, I was shocked if one of people infected heavy source of infection, half of people might passed away. It's scary to think that history has been changed by this infection.   To be honest, I think the solution of spread pandemic is thoroughly wash your hands and gargle. It is important things even though this action is small. In addition, from people undergo it in the past, modern people need education to not repeat same things.   Finally, about things after COVID-19. While this pandemic, our life changed dramatically. But it is only negative things. I think technology in the world developed by COVID-19. For instance, remote me

Pandemics of the Past -- A Reflection

Hi class, think about what you have learned so far this week about the bubonic plague, the cholera epidemic, and the Spanish flu epidemic. What about these pandemics has surprised you the most? Which do you think would have been the most terrifying to face, and why? Are there any lessons we can learn from these pandemics when it comes to ensuring we are prepared for future pandemics? Finally, the clips we watched reported that the pandemics actually paved the way for various positive social changes. Can you think of any positive changes that have resulted from the Covid 19 pandemic? Also, don't forget to illustrate your post with an image.