Library Visit Debrif -- Misaki


The most surprising thing that there are 9 libraries in Otago university. I usually utilize Central library and do assignments using the comfortable sofa and private spaces after school. Before I listen to Amanda’s instruction, I just only knew two libraries. For me I’ve never borrowed books in NZ, but every Otago uni student can borrow 100 books for 3month at a time per person. I’m really interested in searching technique kind of like adding AND, OR, NOT to help get more specific information. I learned quotation marks and truncation from my university in Japan. They are useful if I don’t know exactly the wards. For the group seminar, I make use of library services and mix and match data of my introduced issue, gambling.


  1. The information that we can borrow 100 books for 3months must be amazing for you!

  2. I also think "AND", "OR" and "NOT" are very useful!

  3. I want to know the meaning of " , ". "And" or "OR"?

  4. Glad you enjoyed the session, Misaki. Happy researching on your social issue! David :-)

  5. These new skills would help us with our reserching!


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