The ocean issues : is it getting better?? Misaki Alpha Yusuke

 Is the state of our ocean getting better?. We are talking about plastic pollution in the ocean, the population of sea animals, and how catching fish affects the species.

This graph shows that the number of microplastic in the eastern tropical pacific from 2008 to 2020 has increased every year and continues to go up from 2020, resulting in affecting marine life.

This graph illustrates that the number of marine animals between 1970 and 2012.

It decreased dramatically from in 1975 to in 1990 by just under 50%. Since 1990, the number of animals in the ocean slightly fluctuated but in 2012, it moderately went down. According to graph, the status of ocean is getting worse. Although we could not get information why marine populations have declined, it is clearly show decrease the number of marine animals is terrible result. I think it is linked to the number of plastic or rubbish which human made. People began to use reusable bag instead of plastic one and other product also shift more eco-friendly so the more careful people think about environmental issue including ocean problem, the better condition will be in the future but otherwise it will still get worse.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

These graph indicate the number of marine species in 3 oceans.

From this graph, we can notice that the relation between the number of the fish and the number of the fish caught by people.

The data of these graphs describes the period between 1950 and 2000.

As we watch this graph, we can notice that  the connection between “species density” and “catch” is like an inverse proportion.

Furthermore, as a whole, “species density” is decreasing gradually these days.

I feel like that it means it’ll be difficult little by little to get natural fish. I prefer natural fish to farming fish, so I pray that it’ll be improved in the future.

Needless to say, according to this graph, the condition of the ocean is getting worse gradually.


Thank you for watching!


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