Riko Fujimoto


Hello, I’m Riko Fujimoto from Osaka, Japan. Now I live in Green Island with Lisa. She is a good cook so I eat delicious dinner. Firstly, I’ll describe about my impressions of Dunedin especially people, they really like exercise and sports. This is because the gym is always busy and even elderly people run at a park in the morning, which was amazing for me. Secondly, I’d like to say about my favourite subject, it was mathematics and geography. I haven’t had a big problem with studying mathematics and geography is extremely interesting. The reason I ‘m doing this course is that I have to do it and want to improve my English skills. Next, about my preference, I like handcraft, colorful clothes, and delicious food but I dislike big sound and loneliness. I’m optimistic I think it’s my good point. On the other hand, my bad point is that I don’t work on things thoroughly. Finally, my goal is making my life here fabulous. Thanks.


  1. Riko, Really is that you? It's an amazing jumping. Wonderfull~~

  2. Somedays teach me about handcraft, please!
    I want to try it.

  3. You are definetely an optimistic person! You always make class atmosphere happy!

  4. First day on this week, I saw your handmade hats! It was so pretty!!!

  5. When I spend with you, I always feel comfortable. I try to eat Lisa's meal.

  6. What a coincidence~ I'm also live in Green Island.

  7. What a nice picture!I haven’t tried it before, and could you please teach me the location of this photo??


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