Momoka Tsuneyama

I’m Momoka and from Osaka, Japan. I live in Morninghton which is near the Octagon. I live with my host family. I have host mother, host father, host brother, host sister, a Japanese flatmate, a Chinese flatmate and two cats. Every day, I play with my host sister who is 5 years old. Actually, I was worried about every meals like if every dishes were not delicious… However, my host mother is good at cooking, so I eat tasty meals everyday! ☺︎

My favorite subject in high school was Music because I could play some musical instruments such as piano, mandolin, koto, guitar and so on.

As I said, I like music. So, of course I like to listen to music. Also, I like to play musical instruments. I can play the flute and piano. I brought my flute to New Zealand and practice the flute sometimes. In addition, I love cats. When I was in Japan, I didn't have cats. But now I have two cats and they make me relaxed. No cats, No life.

On the other hand, I don’t like to study. And I’m not good at keeping the time. So, my goal is to keep the time and submit homework on time. lol

I'm a big eater! I’m always hungry and I like eating delicious food. Especially, I love spicy food and shrimp. My favorite super market in New Zealand is New World. I often go there and buy salami, chips or chocolatešŸ˜‹

Also I’m very very lazy person, so I don’t keep the time, don’t do my task early, don’t clean my room and wake up late in the morning. I want to be able to control myself.

I want to speak in English with you! Nice to meet you.


  1. Momoka! I want to play the piano together and enjoy your music of flute!

  2. You were a member of blass band by any chance!? Actually I play the clarinet since was junior high school student, so I'm so happy! because I have a friend who play instruments!

  3. I understand you like eating. Somedays tell me about your recommend restaurants in NZ, please!

  4. I want to listen to your flute someday, it must be impressing!

  5. High five~ No cats, No life! Ha~Ha~
    By the way, I want to enjoy your music of flute!

  6. Osaka has a lot of delicious foods especially it is called ''Konamon''. I want to visit Osaka once and eat nice food a lot! I was surprised that you can play many instruments! I want to listen to it some day!

  7. It's so cool to play flute because I can't play even recorder

  8. It is so great!!!! You have so many talents. Wonderful~~

  9. I wanna eat alot of food with you!!

  10. I used to think the same thing as you because before coming to Dunedin, I was worried about meals, but my host mother also cooks very well, so now I don't have any worry about meals.

  11. Momoka! Let’s go somewhere togetheršŸ˜‹


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