
In 2044 - Cathy

In the last twenty years, the world has undergone significant development of technology which no one could hardly imagine before. Therefore, I personally think that the development would continue growing strongly and rapidly, and the humankind would find their life way more convenient. For example, there could be more use of cars which are able to drive themselves, glasses which give access to imaginative screens,... However, although the changes are meant to be for positive effects, there might be some downsides, mostly for humans. Due to the speedy advancement, humans might find it hard to adapt to the new life, there also might be more job cuts. Hence, I would recommend that we should all be prepared for what possibly happen so as to we can live a comfortable life with the development of technology. 

In 2044 - Gift

In 2044, the world might be like Blade Runner , with tall buildings and flying cars. People could make robots called replicants to work for them. But this raises questions about what it means to be human. Even with all this technology, many might still be unhappy, living in crowded, dirty cities. The gap between the rich and poor could be bigger, with rich people living well and poor people struggling. Just like in Blade Runner, depending too much on machines might make us forget who we really are. While tech can make some things easier, it might also bring more stress and loneliness, making our lives worse in many ways.

In 2044 _ Yuri

 In 2044, it seems too much in the future for me and I cannot imagine, but my age ,19, which is about twice as old as I am today. I think the next 20 years will come soon. Compared to when I was born and today, that’s quite different aspects of AI, internet, biotechnology, space development and so on. I expected deferent ways of working people. Some people or articles said many jobs replace AI or machines. I totally agree with that. In Japan, many convenience stores have automatic accounting machines. It can be considered useful at night. This was learned in class last week, but it is thought that a lot of simple jobs will be taken by machines.

In 2044 - Mion

In the future the next developments in the digital revolution and in automation will perfectly improve compared to today. In my experience I have been having a lot of opportunity to board an airplane since I was young. Before I was roughly 10 years old, I went to the check-in counter and left my luggage with the airport staff and they took care of the formalities. But after that airport have automated baggage check-in devices. So passengers have to check-in by themselves. In I was 10 years old, Tokyo airport (Haneda) has already set machines. From this experience I expect  the next developments of them will not stop. And I think our lives will be better!

In 2044-Yusuke

 I have no idea how our lives will change in 20 years. It’s almost impossible to predict the future in detail because no one can do so precisely.  As we know, technology has advanced dramatically in recent years. How could we have expected everyone to be using smartphones 20 years ago ?   Anyway, if I had to guess, I’m pretty sure that in 20 years, things will happen that we can’t expect now.

In 2044 - Riho

  Currently, there are  useful several devices around us. As a next step, I   Currently, there are useful several devices around us. As a next step, I predict that IoT, internet of things is getting spread commonly. This is one of the technology which communicate with people and objects. Especially, our life style would be changed more convenient by IoT. For instance, you can save time as we are able to take contact with home appliances and these things operate. Therefore, I believe that our life will be better in 2044.

In 2044 Misaki

  Who knows the future. Even now, who predicts almost all people have own smartphones and they can’t live without smartphones!! I can’t expect what happen in the future but when I saw the picture which the android drives the car, (E-book p148) it reminded me one videogame.  A few years ago, my brother used to play this game it is called “Detroit Become Human”. It was released in 2018, and the setting of this work is Detroit, about 20 years from the present. The result of the rapid development of artificial intelligence, it is a society where androids who are as intelligent as humans and are almost same appearance are integrated. Players will experience a variety of episodes through the perspective of three androids with different positions and abilities and choose their statements and actions based on their own "will". The most interesting thing in this game is these 3main characters have emotions and they act followed these feelings. I think if the world transforms like this